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IBI offers solutions to governments that are seeking to improve their country’s economic performance through enhanced private sector competitiveness, value chain development, and natural resources management. We focus on opportunities for creating jobs and enhancing livelihoods in the following technical areas:​

Trade Facilitation and Regional Integration
Private Sector Development
Public Financial Management & Economic Governance 

IBI partners with governments and communities to foster stability, strengthen democratic institutions, and improve public sector performance in regions recovering from conflict or facing governance challenges. Our approach is guided by transparency and accountability, as we work to enhance government capacity, reduce violence, and support vulnerable populations. Through tailored initiatives in post-conflict reconstruction, election management, and anti-corruption, we help governments become more effective and better serve their citizens. By empowering civil society organizations and promoting leadership through professional training, we create holistic solutions that pave the way for lasting peace, effective governance, and measurable improvements in public service delivery.

Institutional Strengthening
Post-Conflict Recovery
Citizen Security and Violence Prevention
Migration Mitigation

In a constantly evolving field, IBI helps clients assess the impact of their work, monitor the country context, and learn from experience through timely analysis of accurate data. We provide everything from individual project evaluations, to long-term impact evaluations, to comprehensive MEL platforms that support hundreds of millions of dollars in annual programming.

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